Covid-19: The Essential Articles 

Covid-19: The Essential Articles 

The news is overwhelming and coming at us from multiple directions. Facts and social media-fueled fiction can be hard to separate. So, we thought it’d be useful to pull together some of the most informative reads around coronavirus this week: to arm ourselves with the core facts, advice and insight.

Anxiety Action 

If you’re feeling anxious about coronavirus, firstly, you’re really not alone! These are confusing and stressful times so we recommend reading this for some pro tips on how to manage health anxiety. And for when it’s all becoming too much and you just want to hear a reassuring voice, listen to the calming and practical advice of psychotherapist, Anna Mathur here.

Distancing vs Isolating

Like many of us, you might be wondering about social distancing (the dos and don’ts) and when to self-isolate. For a handy summary and explanation of what these terms actually mean, check out this list

Commuting & Clothing

Not everyone is able to work from home so for anyone concerned about the risk of commuting, or worried that coronavirus lives on clothing, we recommend both these reads. 


You may have heard in the news lately that it’s best to take paracetamol rather than ibuprofen if you get coronavirus. This BBC fact sheet is very helpful in sorting out the science from the fake news. (The Beeb also have a  useful explainer around how much food to buy and ordering groceries.)

Protecting the At-risk

Some useful charts to help visualise the spread of coronavirus. By this point, you might be wondering about how to help your friends and family during this time. We recommend this podcast to help answer any of your lingering questions. 

How It Finally Ends

The fabulously incisive lot at Tortoise have been exploring how pandemics end - speaking to a virology professor on their podcast. A fine listen.

Stubborn Boomers

If, like many, you’ve been struggling to persuade parents and other boomer to actually follow the darn rules, the New Yorker has some sage advice. (The magazine also muses on what quarantine tips we can learn from cats.)

Getting Through the Day

Heights, the brain supplement, have put together a great guide to plot your day to get you through the isolation.

Hope this is all useful.

Corona Local Heroes

Corona Local Heroes

Five Prebiotics To Feed Your Gut

Five Prebiotics To Feed Your Gut