Worth Buying: Yoga Towel To Avoid That Virus

Worth Buying: Yoga Towel To Avoid That Virus

It’s perhaps the height of first world hypochondria, but it would be fairly annoying to pick up something nasty - yes, like the coronavirus - from the yoga mat in class. Mats can be home to delightful viruses and funguses.

So, to avert that theoretical risk, it might be time to shell out on a Gecko Touch Yoga Towel - which can go on top of the mat, or be used as an alternative (and somewhat more portable) mat.

Made from silicon and ‘super-absorbent towel’, the mat grips fabulously - without chalk or water - whilst also keeping your sweat very much to yourself. Hand crafted, easy to wash - it can be popped in the machine - and dry.

An excellent way to not slip or worry about who, or what, else is occupying your mat.

Designed by yoga guru Howard Napper. Available from Agoy.

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